We were created to be a friend and companion of god!
Man was decieved and chose to live life independently of God.
God created man and woman and placed them in a garden paradise to live and enjoy His presence. Every day God would fellowship with Adam and Eve in the Garden, and He provided for their every need. Adam and Eve were free to live and enjoy God's presence. Their only restriction was eating fro the Tree of Knowledge, which would bring death to their relationship with Him.
Satan deceived Eve by questioning God's character, word, and motives. Adam and Eve believed the lie that they could be like God. This sin affected every aspect of their lives and caused a tragic seperation in their relationship with God.
Believing THE LIE caused a tragic seperation in man's relationship with God...but this didn't stop God from loving us.
The good news provides the solution to the problem of our seperation.
God sent Jesus Christ to earth to reveal God's lve to us, and to give His life a payment for the sins of the whole world. Jesus christ experienced physical death and spiritual seperation fro His Father while paying the penalty for all our sins on the Cross. Jesus experience death for us, so we could be forgiven and receive eternal life. His perfect sacrifice satified the just and righteous demands of a holy God, so that we could enjoy an intimate love relationship with Him. This is good news!
What an Amazing selfless love!
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