by Slashing Tongue's blog
Bishop Eddie Long, a pastor who is being accused of luring four young man into sexual relationships. Well he is still innocent till proven guilty which is very unlikely considering the support he has. This article isn’t about the allegations or this pastor but it is about the money made by such independent mega churches and its pastors. Over the years, there have been many independent pastors, internet pastors or street pastors arising. When video sites like youtube or dailymotion making it easy for people to upload almost any type of content it has also made it easy for people to make money the right or the wrong way. Depends on how an individual takes it though.
I am not saying that when one pastor does something wrong that he represents all pastors. It also does not mean that we should not doubt them and their actions. I have seen so many videos of pastors and evangelical preachers using various methods to scam and promote their products into getting people to buy them. What do the people do, they spend and donate. Where does the money go? To god? Does god need money? Maybe people might think the money goes to church for its maintenance and payouts. Every time you look at a pastor at an event, he wears expensive clothing,jewelries and has very nice vehicles. There were even documentaries where they showed pastors having personal chefs and having taking trip to places where the very people who donated the money can’t afford. Is this really what people want?
The country already has economical issues and many people are losing their jobs. Yet there are still people who choose to leech of others. At the same time, there are people who let themselves be leeched. Does religion make people blind? Is it so hard for people to do some research? What can we do teach people to be more aware of such pastors. Than comes the outstanding faith healers who claim they can cure you of any health problems. During the event they will walk up to anyone and start describing that person’s home and address. Then they start to heal them and their health problems are solved miraculously. These people literally conned the audience using creative methods such form filling before the event and using radio transmitters to lie to their victims. Of course with people like James Randi around such scam artists are bound to be exposed. What is surprising is that these scam artists are out of jail and are able to continue to do what they were doing before. Yes, they still make money.
Oh well living in the country of the free anything is possible….
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